The Integration of Religious Elements into ISIS Textbooks


Olivier Arvisais
Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada

Mathieu Guidère
Université de Paris 8, Paris, France

This article explores ISIS’s concept of education and teaching. More precisely, we examine how religious elements were integrated into textbooks written and published by the group. We then present the results of codifying religious elements found in textbooks. We conducted a precise, targeted study of religion-integrated teachings through a didactic and critical lens. The textbooks analyzed in this article were published by ISIS. Printed copies were found and recovered by our team in a number of schools around Kirkuk after its liberation. The dogmatism of these teaching methods is apparent because it meant not to develop students’ critical thinking.

How to quote this publication

Arvisais, O., & Guidère, M. (2020). The Integration of Religious Elements into ISIS Textbooks. Religion & Education47(2),188‑203.

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